Thursday, November 18, 2010


How it Happened

So not long after starting work we decided that one of the people we definitely had to be good friends with was Lisa. Yes, I know that sounds confusing seeing as how my awesome roomie is named Lisa. But have I mentioned that there are five…yes you heard me…FIVE Lisa’s on our Human Capital team. That doesn’t ever get confusing (shakes head yuh-huh). This Lisa – our soon to be BFF—is Lisa Scott. She is a fabulously fun Irish gal. Lisa Gulick got lucky enough to be on a project straight away with her (and another Lisa – an entire project-pronounced PRO-ject here- made of Lisas).

Any who, we have become friends with Lisa Scott and she was overly kind and invited us to her amazing wedding. It was a beautiful intimate affair of 35 from around the world. Lisa had family and friends from Ireland and her hubby had his friends and family from India and they had a few Australian and British friends sprinkled in and then us two token Americans.

We arrived Friday night and got to attend the Hen party which included a delicious dinner on the beach and an hour of girly dancing at a club that we had to ourselves until the Bucks joined us and the club got quickly crowded. It was a fantastic night of dancing and drinking and taking in the beach air.

Saturday we got to enjoy the beautiful beach and peruse adorable shops and boutiques. The entire beach area and town may have stretched a quarter of a mile long but was bustling with people and animals. Lisa and I had a fun roomie date night with drinks on the beach at sunset a fab Italian dinner and delicious wine and dancing after.

Sunday was the big day. We headed out to meet the but around 1 and rode about an hour to the nearby mountains where the vineyards were. From the vineyard you could see the ocean on one side and mountains on the other. It was breathtaking. So without further ado – I will inundate you with lots of pretty pretty pictures.

 They swear that as long as you swim between the flags where Beach Patrol can see you, you wont get munched by a shark. We survived this time...

 And then there were "bush turkeys that were wondering the vineyards looking to sneak some wine.

 And finally, there were random wild turkeys wondering around the town looking for scraps. Another case of a large bird that seems to go unnoticed by the locals because they are so common. Brave of the turkeys to be out in the open so near Thanksgiving. Guess they didn't count on Americans being in town. MMMMM....

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