Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dating the City

Things I Love

The Scenery

I have to say that there is not much that can compare to walking to and from work along the river. Its peaceful and beautiful. Not to mention that the weather is hard to beat. Its always warm and sunny and while we are in the “rainy season” of spring, it’s a lot like Florida rain – it rains hard for about 20 minutes then clears up and is sunny again.

The Cat

The Brisbane city cat is one of the main forms of transportation. It is a highs peed boat that shuttles people around the city. There are stops at most prime areas of the city, its affordable, and it offers indoor and outdoor seating. If commuting through the crowded DC streets drives you mad, then move to Brisbane and enjoy a peaceful boat ride to work. And keep an eye out, you just may see a small shark jump out of the river. Yep – that’s right, a shark…in the river.

The Bars

Cloud Land

There is no way that I can do this place justice. Its what I imagine it must be like to be high out of your mind and walking through a dream world. The roof retracts making the whole bar out outdoor courtyard with four walls. There is a waterfall on one side, and stone art with living vines crawling up in on another. There are live trees growing out of the floor. There are human size bird cages suspended from the walls for lounging. The second floor has fishbowl portholes where you can see the people below. There are pastel carousels that are tables and chairs. Even the bathrooms are a surreal hall of pink mirrors and green floating sinks. You have to experience it.

We wandered in on a Sunday afternoon, lured in by the sound of live music, and enjoyed a few glasses of very nice wine in the lovely spring weather. However, I warn you from personal experience that on the weekend nights it turns into…well…Vegas. Girls are in super short mini dresses covered in sparkles donning 4+ inch heals and the men..or uhhhh 20 year old boys are dressed to the 10s in suits – mind you the suits that the men here some to love with the points that we refer to as girlfriend pants. Just like when girls wear boyfriend pants they tend to be loose, baggy, and comfy, girlfriend pants are the reverse – men in super tight skinny pants that hug every curve mostly too tight.

The Laneway

We went to the Laneway Bar for Lisa’s birthday. It is actually a small bar suspended above an alley between to buildings. You have to walk through a restaurant and up the back stairs to get to it so its not a place you stumble on-you have to know about it. I guess that’s part of the mystic that makes in one of the trendy posh bars in Brisbane. The drinks were fantastic. The company was good. And they project old movies (think the TMC lineup) on the building across the alleyway all night.

The Lark

The lark is an adorable bar in Paddington that our new friend, Lisa (the irish one) took us out to. Filled with velvet couches and boudoir décor, it offers designer unique drinks and a delicious grazing menu with traditional Aussie foods like Wagu sliders. I had a dandelion (drink) and it was one of the best cocktails I have ever had.  The Wagu was fantastic too.


Despite Google maps labeling it TGI Fridays, the real Fridays which sits next to work is an outdoor bar with one of the few happy hour deals in the city. On any given Friday night it is where all of the young professionals from every major firm congregate. And if you can talk a partner or director into tagging along then the firm may pick up the tab!

Uncle Deloitte

Every Friday starting around 4:30, the firm rolls out a few buckets of ice cold beer, wine, Champaign and mixed drinks and encourages everyone to stop working and catch up with one another. It’s a great tradition and the team often heads out together after. It’s a great and fun way to network and get to know everyone.

Things I Miss


Black Beans
Crescent Rolls
Pita Bread
Ranch Dressing
Cookie Dough
Semi Sweet baking chocolate

The Products

Stick Deodorant – they only have liquid here
Allergy medicine – its spring here and their allergy meds are weak
Tampons – that’s right ladies, they have them, but not with applicators

Store Hours

Apparently, in some ways, Brisbane is still stuck in the 50s. All the stories here close by 6 (most by 5) during the week. I was astonished and confused and asked our Partner who is from the states and he sarcastically said “Oh, its because naturally you have a stay at home partner who tends to those things while you work.” I guess one way to force work life balance is to force people out of the office by 5 so that they can buy food and other necessities.

The Variety

To Australia’s credit, it has most things. However, they have very little variety. Most things only come in 1-2 brands. And there are few stores to choose from. For instance, in all of central Brisbane, there are only two brands of grocery stores.

Funny Phrases

Trading hours – store hours
How you going? – How are you?
Good on ya! – Well done/Good for you
Mate – any acquaintance
Happy – ok with
Good – Great
A bit of… - some
Pack – a small deck
Bubbles – Champaign
Fairy floss – Cotton Candy

Coming Soon…

Our guaranteed to be awesome trip to Noosa/my first ever Hens Party.

Photo tour of our apartment

 And our upcoming Thanksgiving party for the Aussies!

Until Next Time! ~B

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